Class: - B. Sc. –I (SEM -I)
Paper Name- Computer Fundamentals
CO1: - Understand the computer system as well as components, Characteristics & features of computer.
CO2: - Learn what is flow chart and algorithm: its advantages and disadvantages with examples.
CO3:- Understand the computer generations and ideas about early computers systems.
CO4:- Learn types of programming language.
CO5:- The Study of computer memory and its types of memory.
CO6:- The Study of computer input and output devices and its types of IO device.
CO7:- Understanding the processor and instruction set.
Paper Name- Digital Electronics
CO1: - Identify basics of number systems used in computer science.
CO2: - Understand how the basic logic gates operate and are used to build complex computer circuits
CO3:- Solve logic problems using K- Maps.
CO4:- Learn how combinational and arithmetic logic circuits are constructed.
CO5:- Study Flip-Flops and important building block for most sequential circuits.
CO6:- Understand the counters with various types.
CO7:- Understand shift Registers and its input and Out puts.
Class: - B. Sc. –I (SEM -II)
Paper Name- Operating system
CO1: - Study of Software and its classification.
CO2: - Understanding concept of operating system.
CO3:- Study of process in operating system and deadlock concepts.
CO4:- Understand “How to manage memory in operating system?”
CO5:- Study of “How to manage the input and output devices?”
Paper Name- C Language
CO1: - Study of C language structure, history and features.
CO2: - Understanding basic elements operator used in C language.
CO3:- Study of Datatypes and its types.
CO4:- Understand the control and Iterative statement with Examples.
CO5:- Study of Array and its types of arrays.
CO6:- Describe Prototypes and its argument passing technique.\
· Three theory periods per paper per week per semester
· Three practical periods per batch per week per semester
Class: - B. Sc. –II (SEM -III)
Paper Name- Advance C Programming
CO1: - Learn the concept of function, use of function and its types.
CO2: - Understanding concept of structure and union and use.
CO3:- Study of pointer, memory allocation and pointer to pointer concept.
CO4:- Study of various Data conversion functions in Stdlib.h
CO5:- Understanding the macro substitution and conditional compiler directives.
CO6:- Understand File, Different file opening modes and to read, write records from file.
CO7:- Study of passing argument to main () function and computer Graphics.
Paper Name- Data structures
CO1: - Learn the concept of Data structure and its types
CO2: - Study of Sequential data structure array and types.
CO3:- Understand “What is linked list? How to represent memory in Computer?”
CO4:- Study of Stack and various operations performed on stack
CO5:- Understand queue and various types of queue
Class: - B. Sc. –II (SEM -IV)
Paper Name- Programming in C++
CO1: - Understanding the concept of Object oriented programming language and its features.
CO2: - Study of function in c++ programming language.
CO3:- Understand the concept of overloading and its use.
CO4:- Study of class and object and defining the class and objects.
CO5:- Study of constructor destructor and its types.
CO6:- Understanding concept of overloading with its types.
Paper Name- DBMS using SQL
CO1: - Study of DBMS architecture and its component.
CO2: - Understand the Database model and its importance in DBMS.
CO3:- Study of entity relationship data model and its attributes.
CO4:- Understanding Relational data model and study of various normal forms
CO5:- Understand the Relational algebra and its basic operations.
CO6:- Introduce the concept of Oracle and understanding its software.
· Three theory periods per paper per week per semester
· Six practical periods per batch per week per semester
Class: - B. Sc. –III (SEM -V)
Paper Name- Software Engineering
CO1: -Study of software, software Engineering and software Myths.
CO2: - Understand the software process and process models.
CO3:- Study of agile model and Extreme programming.
CO4:- Understanding the Principles That Guide Practice in creation of software
Paper Name- Web Designing
CO1: - Understand Web designing through HTML and its use.
CO2: - Study of various versions of HTML and Understanding HTML5.
CO3:- Understanding the JavaScript and its Use.
CO4:- Understanding the concept of Object, DOM and Event handling through Javascript.
CO5:- Study of how to design the webpage in HTML through CSS.
Class: - B. Sc. –III (SEM -VI)
Paper Name- Data Communication and Networking
CO1: - Understand Data Communication and Networking components
CO2: - Study of Network topology and types of topology.
CO3:- Study of Transmission media used in Networking.
CO4:- Understanding the concept of modulation and multiplexing.
CO4:- Understanding the concept of Mobile Telephone System with its generations.
Paper Name- E-Commerce
CO1: - Study of Ecommerce used in IT business.
CO2: - Understanding the Ecommerce growth on network.
CO3:- Understanding Security Technologies used in Ecommerce.
CO4:- Understanding the concept elements of E-commerce and network protocol used in Ecommerce.
CO5:- Study of Electronic Payment System in Ecommerce.
· Three theory periods per paper per week per semester
· Six practical periods per batch per week per semester