Welcome to Ramkrishna Paramhansa Mahavidyalaya,Osmanabad


Department of Chemistry

Name of the Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Email-Id
Prof. S. T. Jadhav M.Sc. B.Ed Associate Professor(H.O.D) rpchem@rediffmail.com
Dr. C. E. Mahadik M.Sc. Ph.D Associate Professor dr.mahadikce@gmail.com
Prof. S. B.Deshmukh M.Sc. NET-JRF Associate Professor sandipdeshmukh2244@gmail.com
Prof. M. G. Bhosale M.Sc. NET Associate Professor bhosale4444@gmail.com
Prof. S. J. Khochare M.Sc. NET(C. H. B) Associate Professor sachinkhochare1989@gmail.com

Department of Physics

Name of the Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Email-Id
Dr. Mrs. V.J. Deshmukh M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor(H.O.D) vidyajdeshmukh2@gmail.com
Mr. Kunal H. Wananje M.Sc., NET-JRF Associate Professor Physics.kunal@gmail.com
Mrs. A.G. Fanepure M.Sc., B.Ed Assistant Professor amirabee.2011@rediffmail.com
Mr. Atkare S.S M.Sc. Assistant Professor shreeatkare@gmail.com
Mr. Phase V. P. M.Sc. Assistant Professor vidphase@gmail.com

Department of Mathematics

Name of the Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Email-Id
Prof. Phulsagar S.S. M.Sc. B.Ed, Ph.D. Associate Professor(H.O.D) ssp.maths@yahoo.co.in
Mr. Paikekar H.M. M.Sc. B.Ed. Assistant Professor hanumantpaikekar@gmail.com
Mr. Karwar V.S. M.Sc., B.Ed Assistant Professor vinodkarwar101@gmail.com
Miss. Dongare R.S. M.Sc. Assistant Professor rinaldongarecoeo@gmail.com

Department of Electronics

Name of the Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Email-Id
Prof.Ghodake Shantinath Abasaheb M.Sc. Physics with specialization Electronics. Sr.Lecturer.(H.O.D) shantinath@rpmahavidyalaya.org

Department of Zoology

Name of the Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Email-Id
Dr.M.N.Kadam M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Professor(H.O.D)
Prof.B.P.Biradar M.Sc. Associate Professor
Prof.P.K.Mudbe M.Sc. Assistant Professor
Jadhav Swati Dilip M.Sc. Assistant Professor swati@rpmahavidyalaya.org
More Babasaheb Vitthalrao M.Sc. Assistant Professor babasaheb@rpmahavidyalaya.org

Department of Botany

Name of the Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Email-Id
Dr shama chandrakant Mahadik M.Sc. M.Ed. Ph.D. Associate professor (H.O.D) shama@rpmahavidyalaya.org
Mrs. Pritee Ravindrasingh Pardeshi M.Sc. M.Ed. Ph.D. Lecturer (C.H.B.)

Department of Computer Science

Name of the Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Email-Id
Pramod Raghunath Umate M.Sc.,M.C.A.,SET Assistant Professor pramodumate82@gmail.com